Three Degrees of Burns: July 2008

Friday, July 4, 2008

Meet Milo

We've been looking for a dog for about three months. I should actually say that Sean and Brandon have been looking. We have taken countless trips to the local pound, looking for the dog that would fit our needs. We needed a small dog and one that would be good with Brandon. We eventually bought our puppy from a pet store. His name is Milo.
Milo is a miniature pinscher and is about six months old. Brandon chases him around and teases him constantly. Milo gets back at him by taking Brandon's Webkinz kitty off of his bed and runs around with it. Brandon proudly calls him his little brother and asks me, "Why do brothers tease each other and are mean to each other?" They are cute pals.

The miniature pinscher was bred with rodent hunting skills and extreme loyalty. Contrary to popular belief, he is not a miniature doberman pinscher. The doberman pinscher was actually bred with the appearance of the miniature pinscher in mind. The two breeds are not related at all.

We are training him to be a social, well-behaved dog. He's a great addition to our family and we're looking forward to having him for many years to come.