Hey Guys! I am still around, regardless of how often my blog gets updated. Lots of things have been going on. As you guys know, I graduated in May.

I have been working as a Clinical Research Coordinator at HOPE Research Institute for the last 6 and a half months. I really enjoy my job! I work on clinical trials in phase II, III, or IV with family medicine physicians. I see patients and collect data for new medications under the supervision of the principle investigator.

My job is challenging and extremely interesting and I have met some really amazing people. I work four 10 hour days. I love my three day weekends, but my time seems very limited.
In September, we visited Utah. It was a short trip, but we enjoy any time we can get with family.

Brandon was kind of shy around Abby at first, but got over it as she swung from the bar on the swing set and launched the soccer ball across the backyard. He had such a great time playing with all of his cousins. He learned all about transformers from Zack and got a chance to lay down some beats for Seth on Rock Band.
Over the last three years, I have come to learn that Arizona is a lovely state. Besides the lack of green, it truly is beautiful. I can especially say that this time of year. The weather is so nice and it's more green now than it is in the summer. As a large desert, Arizona has many fun outdoor activities. One thing Sean and Brandon do is hunt for lizards. This little guy was crawling on our door one evening.

He was very cute, but we stressed him out. He shed or dispensed (however you say it) his tail. I was alarmed because the detached tail moved! It squirmed all over the place when we touched it. I felt so bad that we broke the lizards tail, but I was informed that this is a defense mechanism and he shed it to distract us. Very interesting stuff. I love the desert!
Brandon had a great Halloween. It took a little coaxing and an objective to get him out the door, though. Brandon is a very bright kid, but he sometimes needs a little extra motivation to get things going. I sat him down before we went out and gave him a mission. I let him know that I love candy. In fact, I love it a lot. I told him that I needed him to find me a candy in a gold wrapper. He took this mission to heart and went out seeking this gold wrapper goodness. He was excited about getting candy for himself, but was all about getting me my Twix!

This month, Brandon passed off the last level of swim lessons for his age. He's a pretty decent little swimmer and goes at it with lots of power. He doesn't just push off the edge and start swimming, he jumps into the water and swims as hard as he can.

Oh, and my really exciting news is: I'm going to be a doctor! I was accepted to Midwestern University here in Arizona

and also to New York Medical College.

I will start next fall for the class of 2013. I am still waiting to hear from other schools and we need to figure out logistics with Sean's job before we make our final decision on where we will move. I'm really excited about New York because of their joint degree program where I can also get a Master's in Public Health while I'm getting my MD. They also have an amazing anatomy lab and the opportunity to do clinical rotations in New York City. Midwestern is a newer school and has a very beautiful campus and we would be able to stay in AZ. As for now, I am accepting both seats. I can hold spots at multiple schools until May 15. We'll see where the next few months take us.