We've had a fun and busy last couple of weeks. Easter was a great weekend. We started with a soccer game on Saturday morning, followed by an Easter egg hunt. Brandon found his five eggs quickly, so we rehid them many times to extend the fun.

Brandon is growing up so quickly. He loves building towers and animals with blocks. The picture is fuzzy but I didn't have a chance to take any more, as this block was the one that made the tower fall. I am so proud of his growing independence. In the last two weeks, he has taken a huge interest in the alphabet. I gave him a notebook and he sits and writes the alphabet over and over. He's getting really good. He is sounding out words and read three or four words on a flier today without my help.
He loves playing soccer and loves the warm up games we play, like red light green light and shark and fish. Once we start playing another team, he withdraws and loses interest in the game. He tells me it's because he's not fast enough to score a goal. I have been assuring him that if he plays hard and doesn't give up, that he'll score a goal. Well, he finally took my advice today (second to last game mind you) and kept after the ball. He was super aggressive, stole the ball from the other team a number of times, and prevented them from scoring two goals. One time that he stole it, he dribbled through the other team and almost scored a goal. It bounced off the inside of the goal and didn't go in. He gained more and more confidence as the game went on. He stole the ball again and instead of dribbling right up to the goal, he kicked it from a little ways back and SCORED!! He was so proud of himself and I was so proud of him. I know that he's good at soccer and I'm so happy he knows now too so he can enjoy the game like he should. Next week is our last game of the season and I now have mixed feelings. I initially didn't like coaching because of how much Brandon didn't enjoy the game. Today made it so fun and I would do it again if Brandon would have this attitude every week. I guess we'll see how it goes next week.
There was a news camera at our game from ABC news and filmed our team playing. The guy interviewed Brandon. He asked Brandon how he liked having his Mom as a coach and he said it's awesome! I don't know which clips will make the news, but it is supposed to air this Thursday. I will post the clip if it gets aired. One of parents knows the local sports anchor and he wanted to spotlight some "little sports stars." It will be a cute little piece to watch. I hope he got a clip of Brandon's goal :)