Three Degrees of Burns: December 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas is in the Air!!

We went to see Santa at the mall this week and Brandon was elated! He practiced what he was going to say to him and was able to communicate effectively his desire for a cat! He was a little nervous (as you can tell in the photo), but he was very brave. He was extremely confused when we left empty handed. He apparently thought he was supposed to get his cat right then and there!
We went to the Phoenix Zoo for family night to see the "Zoo Lights". We went with Sean's mom and Sean's sister and her family. Brandon had cute cousins to play with and Sean and I had good company as well. It was a blast! There was so much to see and fun Christmas music playing the whole way through. One of the first things to see is this large tree completely covered in blue lights. It was truly a spectacle! Look for Brandon standing on the rock in front of the tree.

Brandon has always loved alligators and enjoyed the lighted alligators, too!

This photo below does not do the spiders any justice. They were so cool!! They had the large spiders up in the trees and one spider is about to eat a bug stuck in the web. I really thought of Lizzie and how much she would have enjoyed this little scene.

This rattle snake's tail changed to make it seem like it was rattling.

Some animals were still awake when we were wondering around. I guess this Zebra got used to his peace after dark, so he was snacking right next to the viewer area. He immediately ran off after the flash went off right in his face. Sorry, Zebra!

This is a video of the light show on the bridge. The lights corresponded to the song and was really fun for everyone. We will definitely be back to "Zoo Lights" next year. It was an impressive display.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Temple Lights

Tonight, we went to the Mesa temple to look at the lights. It was great to hear an A Capella group while gazing at the palm trees decorated in brilliant lights of all colors. Brandon's favorite was a light fountain that looked like water was actually coming down. Brandon saw it and excitedly asked, "Mommy, can I jump in it?" He's such an adventurous kid. He loved the lights, but was not pleased by the string of lights creating restrictions on where he could go. He asked if we could "open the gate" and go touch the lights. He was a bit disappointed in my answer.
My favorite was the display of lights floating on the pond in front of the Visitor's Center. It was really beautiful. I am still partial to the lights at the Salt Lake Temple, but at least my toes and ears weren't freezing! After the lights we went back to Sean's mom's house for hot chocolate and muffins. It was a great way to end the night.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Arizona Winter

I'm really getting used to the Arizona winter weather. I don't miss scraping off my windows, having to wear shoes and socks daily, or getting the bottom of my pants wet from dragging in the snow. I'm finally adjusting and able to get into the spirit of Christmas, even though it's not snowing. I think I like the warm winters! It is nice, however, to visit the snow.
Sean is starting to get really busy at work and I'm preparing to take my finals next week. This has definitely not been my best semester. It has been one of the easiest and I guess I got lazy. I guess I'll find out in a few weeks when my grades post.

Here are a couple of photos we took the other night, including a shot that Brandon took. He loves all of the Christmas decorations around, especially the lights. It's so great to get into Christmas with him; it makes the commercial aspect of the holiday more fun. Oh, and here's our elf dance!!!