Three Degrees of Burns: Arizona Winter

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Arizona Winter

I'm really getting used to the Arizona winter weather. I don't miss scraping off my windows, having to wear shoes and socks daily, or getting the bottom of my pants wet from dragging in the snow. I'm finally adjusting and able to get into the spirit of Christmas, even though it's not snowing. I think I like the warm winters! It is nice, however, to visit the snow.
Sean is starting to get really busy at work and I'm preparing to take my finals next week. This has definitely not been my best semester. It has been one of the easiest and I guess I got lazy. I guess I'll find out in a few weeks when my grades post.

Here are a couple of photos we took the other night, including a shot that Brandon took. He loves all of the Christmas decorations around, especially the lights. It's so great to get into Christmas with him; it makes the commercial aspect of the holiday more fun. Oh, and here's our elf dance!!!


Paulene Davis said...

Great photography Brandon.I love the decorations on your tree. Your family photo is wonderful. You all look great. It makes me miss you more and more. Good luck next week on finals and Good luck to Sean on his very busy season.

Bree D. said...

I love the snowflakes on your tree!!! You all look so great in your photo's and of course the girls Loved watching your elves dance!!!

Linda Clark said...

Good luck on your finals, you will do great. I am very proud of you and your hard work with school. I am sure that Christmas will be extra fun with Brandon this year. That is what makes Christmas so fun...the children! (I am still a child!) Your tree is beautiful and so are the pics of your family.

Audrey said...

I have always loved the snowflakes on your tree! and you guys are a cute family. My kids LOVED watching your elf dance. That is so funny. Long live warm winters! We might get rain today, and everyone is freaking out and talking about "the big storm." I just chuckle. Good luck on all your tests!