Three Degrees of Burns: Pioneer Day Parade

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pioneer Day Parade

On the 24th of July in Utah, there is the Pioneer Day Parade in downtown Salt Lake. We joined my parents, Joel and his family, and Audrey and her kids for the morning. The highlight of the parade for me was President Hinckley in a convertible. He fronted the parade and waved to everyone with a large grin on his face. There were many people in the parade who walked along the side and shook people's hands. Toward the end, Brandon finally got up the courage to shake some of the clown's hands and thoroughly enjoyed the tall clown. It was fun to see all of the stake floats and the high school marching bands. It was sunny and it got a little hot, but the kids stayed cool under the umbrellas with large watermelon popsicles courtesy of my sister Audrey. Overall, it was a great way to start the day and get into the spirit of the holiday.
Later that night, my whole family got together for dinner and fireworks. It was the first time that all of my siblings had been together in a couple of years. It was great to be with everyone and for all of the cousins to play together.


Paulene Davis said...

It was a very fun day. I am so glad that you were here to make it so special. I too loved the parade and loved to watch the kids enjoy it. I missed Sean that day and thought of him often. Glad that you are here in Utah for a few more days.

Audrey said...

Great photo clusters! That was a fun day and definately worth getting up early for - despite what Joel thinks.

Linda Clark said...

Ah yes...the SL 24th of July parade. Yy memories of it was when I marched in the American Fork High School Band in full, wool, dress uniform back in high school. The only incentive marching in the heat was the "band days" at Lagoon afterward where we could check out all the guys from other bnds! (Verify that from your Mother, I took after her!)
What fun times with all your family. Your Mom sure has loved having you all there! Brandon sure is a cutie!

Kristy Stoner said...

I've lived in Utah my entire life and NEVER been to the Days of 47 parade. How fun! BTW... Big trouble for not calling me. :)

Bree D. said...

I am so glad that you guys had a great time that day and it has been great to visit with you this last week!